Wednesday, December 23, 2009


1 "Sell your Risk, Buy your Future"
2 "As he sows, so he will reap"
3 What a grand thing, to be loved!What a grander thing still, to love!
- Victor Hugo -
4 Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.
- William Shakespeare -
5 One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:that word is love.
- Sophocles -
6 Love bears all things, believes all things,hopes all things, endures all things.
- The Bible : 1 Corinthians -
7 Friends will come and friends will go,The seasons change and it will show,I will age and so will you,But our friendship stays, strong and true.
- Anonymous -
8 Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows.
- Unknown -
9 Friends are like credit cards,we need them forever...
- Dorothy Taylor -
10 Many people will walk inand out of your life,but only true friends will leavefootprints in your heart.
- Unknown -
11 A friend is like a four leaf clover,hard to find but lucky to have.
- Samantha Rosales -
12 Parents start you off on lifebut friends get you through it.
- Dee Chou -
13 The past cannot be changed,the future is still in your power.
- Hugh White -
14 Don't let today's disappointmentscast a shadow on tomorrow's dreams.
- Unknown -

Love Quotes

1 Love, like a river, will cut a new pathwhenever it meets an obstacle.
- Crystal Middlemas
2 Love is like a mustard seed;planted by Godand watered by men
- Muda Saint Michael -
3 There is only one happiness in life,to love and be loved.
- George Sand
4 You know you are in lovewhen you see the world in her eyes,and her eyes everywhere in the world.
- David Levesque -
5 Love is strong yet delicate.It can be broken.To truly love is to understand this.To be in love is to respect this.
- Stephen Packer -
6 When you love someone,all your saved-up wishes start coming out.
- Elizabeth Bowen -
7 Marriage is not a ritual or an end.It is a long, intricate,intimate dance togetherand nothing matters morethan your own sense of balanceand your choice of partner.
- Amy Bloom -
8 We sat side by side in the morning lightand looked out at the future together.
- Brian Andres -
9 Love is like a mountain,hard to climb,but once you get to the topthe view is beautiful.
- Daniel Monroe Tuttle -
10 Love is not blind - It sees more and not less,but because it sees more it is willing to see less.
- Will Moss - 11 Love is like the sun coming out of the cloudsand warming your soul.
- Unknown -
12 To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.
- Bill Wilson -
13 Love is smiling on the inside and out.
- Jennifer Williams -
14 Love is a moment that lasts forever...
- Julie Wittey -
15 Love isn't blind; it just only sees what matters.
- William Curry -
16 Love that is true never grows old.
- Elben Bano -
17 Love reminds you that nothing else matters.
- Amy Bushell -
18 A Friend's Love says:" If you ever need anything,I'll be there."
True Love says:" You'll never need anything;I'll be there."
- Jimi Hollemans -
19 Love is a decision not an emotion or feeling,that if made from the heart will outlast anything...
- Raul and Samantha Juarez -
20 Love is more than a feeling;it's a state of mind.
- Lisa Grude -
21 Love is like a blazing flame,golden and full of warmth.
- Ben Oliver -
22 One lookOne smileOne touchOne embraceOne kissOne loveTwo peopleTwo mindsTwo soulsTwo destiniesOne roadOne journeyOne endingTogether.
- Melissa Higgins -
23 Love is a symbol of eternitythat wipes away all sense of time,removing all memory of a beginningand all fear of an end.
- Ikhide Oshoma -
24 A bell is not a belluntil someone rings it,a song is not a songuntil someone sings it.
Love wasn't putin the heart to stay,for love isn't love'til you give it away.
- Chanh Kha -
25 Love is like a piece of art work,even the smallest bit can be so beautiful.
- Stacie Cunningham - 26 Love is sweet, delicate, dreamyan eternity of gorgeous moments.
- Sarah Montgomery -
27 Romance is the fuel that keeps love burning hot.
- Rusty Silvey -
28 The way to love anythingis to realize that it might be lost.
- G. K. Chesterton -
29 Love,The key that unlocks the bars of impossibility.
- Fikayo Ositelu -
30 Love is when you look into someone's eyesand see their heart.
- Jill Petty -
31 Love is when you look into someone's eyes,and see everything you need.
- Kristen Kappel -
32 The best things in lifecan never be kept;They must be given away.A Smile, a Kiss, and Love
- Tony Farrar -
33 I Wait
I wait for you,anxious to see your face.
I stand and watch,looking for the first sign of your arrival.
I finally see you,I take a second look to make sure you're really there.
My pulse races and I crack a smile,this is what I've been waiting for.
You begin to approach,you say, "Sorry, I'm late."
I say, "No problem."But I think to myself, 'I'd have waited forever.'
- Jordan Jones -

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